
Notifications are very useful for staying up to date with certain events. For example, you can configure an email or Slack notification to be sent each time a secret has been viewed. The notification includes the ID and description of the secret, and also some details of the viewer, like IP address.

Notification types

You can configure notifications to be delivered via:

  • Email
  • Slack
  • Webhook (HTTP POST)

Event types

You can configure notifications for the following events:

  • Secret created
  • Secret viewed
  • Secret expired

Email notifications

Email notifications can be configured at Notifications > Email. At the moment it's not possible to have multiple recipients for the emails.

The Status section of the page shows when the last notification email was sent.

Slack notifications

Slack notifications can be configured at Notifications > Slack.

Slack notifications use Slack's incoming webhooks. You can read more about the feature at Slack's documentation.

The Status section of the page shows when the last notification was sent and if it was successful.

Webhook notifications

Webhook notifications can be configured at Notifications > Webhook.

Webhook notifications can be used to send notifications to any application with incoming HTTP API.

The following JSON payload will be sent as a POST request when the webhook is executed. The request Content-Type is set to application/json.

  event_type: "one of secret_created, secret_viewed, secret_expired",
  secret_id: "the ID of the secret",
  created_at: "timestamp when the secret was created",
  description: "description of the secret, if set",
  viewed_at: "timestamp when the secret was viewed, if viewed",
  viewed_by_ip: "IP address of the viewed, if viewed",
  viewed_by_user_agent: "HTTP User Agent of the viewer, if viewed",
  expires_at: "timestamp when the secret expires, if set",
  expired: "a boolean indicating if the secret has expired"

The Status section of the page shows when the last notification was sent and if it was successful.